Roughing it out at Colorado

The next three days of my stay in the U.S. was a living purgatory for me. I wish I could have easily skipped that stage and plunged into my holiday heaven right away. But I had to constantly remind myself that my conference in Colorado was the real reason why I was able to fly to America.

Despite getting jet-lagged and lacking sleep, I had to prep up myself and be consciously always on my toes all the time. I had to learn something from this summit and take home essential lessons when I return back home. After all, I was the only Asian in the venue so it was a challenge for me to articulate myself and be understood. REPRESENT!

There were no other places to see in Colorado I believe aside from the mountain side. Taxis were nowhere to be found so I didn't really have a choice but to stay within the center. I didn't want to spend money as well and get lost in this side of America.

It was spring season when I was there. Walking around the streets was a pain with my stuffy nose. I couldn't even breathe properly.

After the summit,  I quickly ran back to the airport hoping to lessen my time spent in Colorado and enjoy California instead.

Signing off,


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