Early signs of aging

For the past three months, my right knee has been squeaking badly. It is not aching, but I can hear it squeak. Like a door that is unable to open smoothly.

And so I asked Mama to set an appointment for me to see Denise's knee doctor in Manila. I needed some x-rays and tests, aside from the basic check-up.

I also heard that the doctor looks gorgeous (if I'm not mistaken). His name is Dr. Sia from Medical City. So let's see if I'll get kilig after the check-up. Yes, I have hidden agenda in this knee check-up.

Dr. Sia gave me an initial diagnosis coursed through Mama. Mama already asked him what might be happening to me. And he said it may be the early signs of arthristis.

This is a killer. Me? Arthritis at 26? Geez. What will happen to me at 36, or 46, or 56, or 66, or...? Am I going to be an Apolinario Mabini (our Filipino hero who was born paralyzed) soon?

Today, my left knee is hurting like hell. Whenever I move it, part of the muscle/joints (I suppose) aches. It's like a pasa. Grrr. Now, I'm believing it really is arthritis.

Thank God for my muay thai hand wraps, I've used it to cover my aching knee. But before that, I massaged it first with the ever-reliable, minty tiger balm.

Am I aging too fast? The last time I checked, I still feel young at heart and still act like a kiddo.

Signing off,


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