Monday Muay Thai

I forced myself again to attend Muay Thai today. Like what I have been telling my friends, the hardest part is dragging myself to the gym, but the actual sessions itself are enjoyable and amusing.

 (Grabbed photo from Asfitness' website. Here's my Muay Thai Trainer, Alvin Seet, at the center, wearing white shorts.)

Among all the exercises I've tried, this got to be the most tiring of them all. I sweat like there's no tomorrow.

Today was quite funny. I got paired up with a 16-year old looking Indonesian boy, named Archie. During the early rounds, he easily gives up and sits down after finishing his turn. I thought he was already tired and didn't want to exhaust him even more.

But during the sparring session we had inside the ring (with helmets on), I was easily beaten up! I got more hits in the head than the number of punches I threw at him.

He had some technique going on there. Left punches, side punches, and upper cuts. I wanted to kick him in the head but couldn't do so.

All was in the name of fair game. At least now, I am being grouped with the boys as compared to weeks ago when I had no choice but to stay with the girls as I had bruised and wounded feet.

Signing off,


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